Sunday, June 3, 2012

FOOD. Solid food! Not as hard as I thought today. But it's a weekend instead of a busy weekday, where I had time to really think about what I wanted to eat vs what I could eat. The run down of restrictions: NO: dairy products (including eggs), yeast, sugar, fermented foods, vinegar, nuts, seeds, or heated oil. So it's just grains, veggies, fruits (only berries, kiwi, and grapefruit, tho). Not so easy when I think about what my usual pre-milk cleanse foods were.
The last day, up at Lake Peekskill was quite challenging. The ladies brought an awesome spread. I kept drooling over the Foccacia.. And check out this beauty shot of the forbidden grapes and cheese! And let me tell you, it was hard to keep regular at a foreign place. I only shat once (not at all at the place), before I left the house to get on the Hudson Line.

BUT, now is past the time to keep talking shit. It's food and recipes from here on out. And more pills. And still some gas and bloating. A call is in to the doctor to see if I should still be experiencing this.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with STRAWBERRIES! I devoured it so I forgot to take a pic. I was also drowning in pills. Have I already said I hate pills? I'm now taking a total of 9 of them (4 different herbs) in the morning, 6 of them 30 mins before the meal, and only 1 plus two drops of two different tinctures after meals. The other 3 are the colon builder, to be taken at night, too. Even one of those pill boxes that are separated by day of the week won't help this case. Shiiiiiiiiit. 

Lunch: pills 30 mins before. They tend to give me a feeling like heartburn that goes away in about 15 mins. Also checking with Doc on this....
I waited too late to cook something before I started to get hungry again, so I went down the street to Samurai for --
Tuna roll, salmon roll and avocado roll. I stared longingly at the wasabi, and my favorite, pickeled ginger, which I can't have. And no soy sauce either. I could really tell how fresh the fish was. The salmon was the best. Next time I may just go with 1veggie roll and sashimi. Will skip the tuna, though.

Dinner: plenty o time to go to Whole Foods then search the internets for some good recipes. I had a butternut squash in the fridge, so I took it from there and came up with --

I steamed the squash with garlic, paprika, pepper, sea salt, and a sprig of fresh rosemary. This was my favorite meal of the day! Slightly sweet, salty and savory (also thanks to the quinoa cooked in vegetable broth).

I didn't find that recipe online, but I did find that I can make popcorn without oil, some good recipes for hummus without oil, too (although I can use cold-pressed virgin olive oil and flaxseed oil as long as I don't heat it) AND salad dressing without vinegar. Got a whole slew of beans soaking overnight for tomorrow. YAY. 
So how am I feeling? No more fuzzy tongue, so my mouth no longer feels like I swallowed moss. There is still some gas in the form of burping, but that might be from all the pills I'm forcing down my gullet. My energy level is still up and down (still getting tired after meals). BUT there is no pain, gas or bloating, or burping WHILE I'm eating so far, so that in itself is a nice change. 

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