Tuesday, June 5, 2012

It could get old fast, all this cooking and sticking to restricted foods.
So far, so good though -- no "cheating" and lots of experimenting to see what not only tastes good, but leaves me full and feeling good.
Monday I used the leftover quinoa to mix with lentils, shrimp and spinach, spiced with leeks, paprika, cumin and garlic. The shrimp tasted devine! (Sorry no beauty shot). But I put too much cumin in the lentils. I had the same amount as the butternut squash, but quickly learned at lunch today that butternut squash is more filling than the quinoa/shrimp and got hungry at work a couple hours after. So, just before book club tonight, I grabbed some raspberries and corn "thins" that looked like rice cakes at the health food store.

Tonight, though I made some beans and rice -- it's taco time tomorrow! Corn tortillas and an avocado are goin' in the bag, along with this some fresh salsa. Here's the rice, with some cilantro on top while I'm waiting for the beans to cook:

I did hear back from the Dr. about the heartburn. She had me lessen one of the doses of herbs that has cayenne in it. Definitely helped. As for the gas/bloating, that also seems to have lessened as well, woo hoo!
I'm soaking some garbanzo beans tonight, so something with hummus is next? Haven't decided yet.

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